Liebe Kunden, Geschäftspartner und Besucher,

wir möchten Sie darüber in Kenntnis setzen, dass unsere Firma umfirmiert wurde.

Das Ihnen als „tiggs GmbH“ bekannte Unternehmen wird ab dem 15.12.2023 in: impetus Unternehmensberatung GmbH umfirmiert.

Alle bestehenden Verpflichtungen und Verträge werden unverändert weitergeführt. Ihre persönlichen Ansprechpartner sind wie gewohnt für Sie da. Lediglich die Website ändert sich auf:

Für Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. In diesem Zuge möchten wir uns auch für das uns entgegengebrachte Vertrauen bedanken und freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Ehreke

Business Intelligence

Today, more than ever before, businesses face the challenge to know their own processes and also their weak spots, in order to guarantee a long lasting and successful venture. A crucial factor for many businesses is their capability to extract relevant informationen from a huge amount of data.

In the various departments of a company, the solutions and tools for data analysis are quite often isolated from each other. As a result, it can be diffcult to compare results, and the whole process is hardly ever transparent, but remains in the clouds. The Business Intelligence Solutions provided by Impetus create a complete platform for information, ranging from the planning process up to reporting- and analysis tools. The foundation is built by a Data Warehouse, that brings together the relevant data of the currently operative systems. An overview of the individual Business Intelligence Functions is available here.

Our Business-Intelligence-Solutions help:

Create Transparency

The Business Intelligence Solutions created by Impetus provide transparency in all processes of your venture. Your decisions will be supported by precise information, which also helps you to find weak spots more easily, analyse the causes, and direct your venture with higher accuracy (Business Performance Management).

Assure Uniformity

Isolated solutions for data analyses will be removed. A uniform data basis, accessible to all users, guarantees an identical information status. The standardization of reports and analysis renders your results comparable.

Become Flexible

Flexible Privilege Management allows the definition of individual views on the data for the management, staff, controlling or departments. Our Business Intelligence Solution can be extended, in fact: You can extend it! In this way, you become flexble and independent – and you will stay flexible and independent.

Improve your efficiency

As a result of the intuitive usability, each controller obtains information by themselves. You become independent of the technical know-how of individual users and avoid loss of communication. Time and effort to pre-process data can be saved for more important tasks.

Create new knowledge

“We thirst for new knowledge, and drown in information.”
This statement by John Naisbitt represents the central problem of our information age. However, making clever use of Data Mining Technology can not only allow us to merely overcome the challenge, but transform the problem into rock-hard competitive advantages.